Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First official ebook publishing

Gives me great pleasure to announce that The Dragon's Orb has been officially published. It can currently be found at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/61760 for purchase, and will soon be available on Amazon and Apple as well.

Its been a long time coming. Hope everyone who reads it, enjoys it. And if they don't, well, hey, it only cost you $0.99, right?

Thanks for the support. Be back soon!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

First Blog!!

Well, I've finally gotten around to putting my thoughts where everyone can see them. Hopefully, this little venture proves to be as fun as it I envision. I've got a lot of things brewing at the moment, what with trying to publish my first short story. I've also been asked to blog for a local website, which I'm very nervous about, but I know it'll be fun.

Work is work, right? You have to work hard in order to play harder. Here's looking to the future.

I'll keep this one short, seeing how its the first, but there will definitely be more to follow.