Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Year...New Beginnings

Even though January is almost over, i think getting this piece in still counts as a New Year's entry! So, I've got a couple of thinkgs in my bucket for '13. Number one of course is to finish my novel rewrite. I'm close to completing my first time around the rewrite. Once I've come full circle, I'll give it a read and see what needs work, if anything.I've been looking for artwork as well. I'd like to see a hard cover with some nice graphics, but we'll see.

I'm looking to post some chapter excerpts in here in the coming weeks, just to give a taste of the upcoming novel. I think its going to be great, and I hope you enjoy it. I've settled on a title for the book, but I'm keeping that a secret for now....wouldn't want to get anyone excited only to change it again later! I'm really excited about the rewrites I've been working out, and I definitely think it makes the story that much better....The action is intense!

I've also started something that I never would have thought possible. In my quest to drop weight and get into shape, I've joined a Fight Camp. Along with learning how to scrap, they've been working the hell out of me. I don't think I've ever...EVER...had such intense workouts. The satisfaction after each workout is amazing! I'm at 215 right now. I hope to drop about 30-40 lbs. Anything less would be a let down.

New job started a few months ago, and despite a temporary hiccup (not with me, but within the department), I think all is good. I'm still working in the IT Security field, only now, I'm testing security and trying to break in, which is hella-challenging, and kind of fun. Like I said, its all good right now....hopefully the ride just keeps on coasting.

In case you were wondering, the family is good. Kids are getting big and my wife is still as amazing as she was the day I met her.

That's all for now. Keep on doing what you love. and if you're curious about my style of writing, check out my short story. You won't be dissapointed!